Cool name, right? OK, we get it: You’re actually rather open for business and this would explain the packed front bar area and frequent occurrence of a line to get in nearly every weekend night. I had patronized the beer-centric bar a handful of times and it had never disappointed. In my mind, this was always a great spot to go grab a beer late-night, often a time when dinner is the last thing on my mind (as all of my calories at that point in the night will be liquid). But alas, we have a blog which forces us

Co Restaurant King Street Charleston, Vietnamese Charleston, Co Vietnamese Charleston, Co-Restaurant,, Cheap Vietnamese, Charleston Banh Mi and Noodles 340 King Asian & Vietnamese Lunch, Dinner and Late-night bar menu until 1am Fri & Sat $$ CO has just popped up in the past few weeks and the packed bar area on every walk-by had us intrigued. Interestingly, it opened up almost right across the street from Mama Kim’s new and improved location but, despite both serving Asian fare, they shouldn’t overlap as CO is a much classier experience. The very sleekly decorated, plate-glass window looks straight through to the (rather small)