347 King Salads: Lunch, Dinner $ The first impression you’ll have about Verde is “this place must be a chain.” It is just so well put together that you get this impression… Sounds like the owners of this place are on to a hot concept that appears to be easily transferable to other markets. I went into this one thinking, okay, let’s scratch this chick salad joint off the list. I left full, satisfied and eager to return. You’ll notice that the concept is essentially a packed salad bar with limitless options (well, not limitless—I counted 45+ toppings, which is
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Moe’s Southwest Grill
381 King Mexican, Southwest $-Cheap How to save $: You can often find coupons online for BOGO Moe’s Southwest Grill: the place we’ve all been but never thought of as review-worthy… until we were forced to write one. If you’ve been living under a rock (or, even worse, just not in the South) Moe’s is an Atlanta-based chain with 350 locations focused mostly in the Southeastern US. It is the humble opinion of Eat King Street that in a head-to-head battle with Chipotle or Qdoba, Moe’s will kick their asses every time, hands down–but that might just be because I practically
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