381 King Mexican, Southwest $-Cheap How to save $: You can often find coupons online for BOGO Moe’s Southwest Grill: the place we’ve all been but never thought of as review-worthy… until we were forced to write one. If you’ve been living under a rock (or, even worse, just not in the South) Moe’s is an Atlanta-based chain with 350 locations focused mostly in the Southeastern US. It is the humble opinion of Eat King Street that in a head-to-head battle with Chipotle or Qdoba, Moe’s will kick their asses every time, hands down–but that might just be because I practically

La Hacienda
354 King Street Mexican $$ How to save some cash: We used a $6 off coupon found in a free coupon book floating around the CofC campus “You’ve got to try this Mexican restaurant– this one isn’t like all the other ones,” they said. Well, they’re all filthy liars. I’m starting to think I have a prejudice towards Mexican restaurants (none at all, though, against our neighbors to the south) because every time I hear the above phrase from a friend I normally dismiss it immediately. On the way to La Hacienda with a group of friends that were visiting from

Juanita Greenberg’s Nacho Royale
439 King Street Mexican/Southwestern $ Lunch, Dinner, Late Night The hostess led us through the narrow bar and kitchen to the outdoor patio which was noticeably grimy. The hostess said in passing:”This place looks pretty good–you should have seen how much of a wreck it was last night!” She timed her comment perfectly with the smell of ripe vomit and stale beer that overwhelmed our senses as we took our seats. Needless to say, we opted for the more cramped indoor seating. Don’t come to Juanita Greenberg’s expecting free CHIPS AND SALSA that 99% of all other Mexican/Southwestern restaurants offer; here they’ll