309 King Pizza, large draft beer selection $$ How to save $$: Go Monday from 4pm-close for a $5 small 1-topping pizza Mellow Mushroom has been keeping Joe College full since the ’70s in a college town near you. Currently, it’s sporting 120+ franchised locations (3 in the Charleston area) and, as of recently, has made a big push outside of its comfortable college-town-only business mode and expanded into larger urban areas in the Southeast. It has, for the most part, brilliantly branded the “stereotypical pizza joint.” And the pizza is freakin good. When you enter, you’ll find psychedelic décor,
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Pace’s Pizza Balls
Pace’s Pizza Balls 363 King Lunch, Dinner, Late Night (open Mon.-Thurs. til 12 a.m. and Fri.-Sat. til 2 a.m.) $ How to save $: They regularly advertise deals on a chalk board visible from King St. I tried the Pizza Ball + 16oz PBR special for $6.95. Nothing has done well in the 363 King Street location that is now home to the new order-at-the-counter “quick food” restaurant: Pace’s Pizza Balls. Restaurants seem to come and go, never lasting more than a year. From the street, the inside space looks tiny, with just enough room for a few tables, but
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